Gabriela Filip

UX/UI designer with a
quirky and playful side


I’m Gabriela— a passionate UX/UI designer based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

My passion for design stems from a love of creativity and problem-solving. I believe that design should not only look good, but also be functional and user-friendly.

With a keen eye for detail, I strive to create designs that not only meet user needs but also bring a smile to their face. Whether it's a quirky illustration, an unexpected animation, or a playful color scheme, I love infusing humor and personality into my work.

My goal is to create designs that not only delight users but also leave a lasting impression. I am excited to bring my unique approach to UX/UI design to your projects and help bring your vision to life with a touch of fun.

Get in touch

Have a project in mind?

If you want to chat about a project — email me on

I can help designing a website, designing a new product, improving an existing part of your product or designing logos and visuals for your business.

Currently based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania — available for remote-friendly work.